Listening Hand Therapeutic Massage

The Building of a Dream
Home of Listening Hand Therapeutic Massage
Picture of Clive Robinson

Clive Robinson

Licensed Massage Therapist, Writer, Listener

The Building of a Dream

Listening Hand Therapeutic Massage offers massage service and pain relief to Ligonier, Latrobe, Mt Pleasant, Donegal PA and surrounding area.

I’ve been inspired by my beautiful wife, Katie. She has revitalized her blog and it has helped me to see the importance of sharing my personal journey and also the journey of building our homestead. Listening Hand Therapeutic Massage is an integral part of the homestead, not simply as a source of income, but more importantly a reflection of our hearts dream.

There is a saying that goes something like, “You can’t give what you don’t have. Make sure your cup is full and then give from the overflow.” In this moment, this saying feels to be one of the foundational understandings behind what Katie and I are building here. We are building a life that we love and enjoy. A life we are grateful for. A life we are intentionally choosing…and are willing to share from the overflow to those who feel drawn to this place.

Several nights ago, Katie and I spent the evening in prayer. We are at a stage after some initial building here at the homestead to open up to others. This is what we were praying about–and have asked others to pray for us about. I still chuckle at the obviousness of it all, but in the days that have followed people began showing up here–Katie does a inspiring job of writing about this in her recent blog: “If You Build It…”: Trusting the Dream and Working for It. I’ll let you read about it there.

As we continue to build, we will strive imperfectly to come from a place of listening to the whisper. The whisper comes from Mother Earth, comes from the ancestors, comes from our hearts. In my journey, I have discovered that listening to the whisper, as opposed to listening to the voice screaming in my head, things go better.

In regards to the “voice screaming in my head,” what I’m referring to is something I call social conditioning, or as the author Don Miguel Ruiz beautifully calls it, The Voice of Knowledge. It’s the messages that were learned from all those who had a part in raising us. Some messages were good, some not so good. But I know we have the choice to change the way we look at things…to choose not to listen to the voice of knowledge, but listen to the whisper. I will be writing more on this I’m sure under the category Leading a Better Life. The journey to knowing we all have the choice and power to change the way we look at things has been a huge part of my journey of transformation into a life I enjoy. Something we share with others.

Anyway, I’m rambling now and feel it tapering off. Though I do want to share one last thing. I know both Katie and I are excited to share that we have named our homestead. It comes from many connections in our lives: from our spiritual path, from the movie Field of Dreams, from a recent harrowing week down at the Yandrick Family Farm (Katie’s family’s farm) as we cared a sick calf back to health. We’ve decided to call it Moonlight Homestead: home of Listening Hand Therapeutic Massage, home of a place where people can potentially heal on all levels, home of our dream and our overflow.

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